Pro bono

“Pro bono” is a Latin phrase for professional work undertaken voluntarily and without payment or at a reduced fee as a public service. Pro bono service, unlike traditional volunteerism, uses the specific skills of professionals to provide services to those who are unable to afford them.” (From Wikipedia)

Proud to provide some pro bono services to:

1. Non-profit organizations

Deutsches Optisches Museum

During the initial phase (2018/19) a comprehensive website was build pro-bono. To see an archived version click on the preview-image or headline.

Current website at:

Jenaer Kirchbauverein e.V. (association)

As a Member of the Board of the association, it is an honor to support church restauration efforts around my home town by leveraging the potential of the Internet.


Launch 2001, Relaunch 2010 & 2014

Kirchenstiftung St. Michael

Foundation to support social and restauration projects in my hometown.

Launch 2014

Mittwochkreis Jena

Hub where a large group of pensioners meet every Wednesday.


Launch 2008, Relaunch 2014 & 2018

2. Small business activities of good friends

Jenconsult GmbH

The machine-building and plant engineering company of my best neighbor.

Launch 2010, Relaunch 2014 & 2018.

To see an archived version click on the preview-image or headline.

Current site at

VST Possögel GmbH

Transport and traffic services run by a good sports mate.


Launch 2011, Relaunch 2015

LBR Bau GmbH

A civil engineering company run by a good friend, who accompanied me on my once-in-a-lifetime adventure of heli-skiing in Canada.


Launch: 2013

Forstbetrieb Morgner

A forestry service run by a good friend, who helps me pick the right Christmas tree every year.


Launch 2008, Relaunch 2018

Gartenlokal Birnstiel

A very nice little garden restaurant near my home with a scenic view over Jena and an astonishing kitchen, where I love to spend time.


Launch 2012, Relaunch 2017

Waldschlösschen Jena

A former mountain restaurant with more than 100 years of family tradition; in memory of the last landlord.

Launch 2008, Relaunch 2018

3. My own sports mates

Website of my volleyball team – The Frogs

We are doing and publishing more than “sports” 😉


Launch 2003, Relaunch 2013 & 2016

>> See the 2016 site

None of these projects would have been possible without the partners, listed in the imprint, who also provided pro bono support

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