The Story
When I moved my business site from WordPress/Elementor to WiX the question came to my mind, if I should archive this site somehow.
Since I had quite some experiences with the Raspberry Pi from my home assistant setup, I had the idea to “move” the site to a Raspberry.
Luckily there are recipes on the web, such as how to setup WordPress on a Raspberry Pi.
After quite some efforts, I succeeded but there was no big benefit in having achieved this.
Therefor the idea was born to move my private Blog “Once in a lifetime adventures (” hosted at since 2011 to a home hosted Raspberry. It would reduce the annual personal subscription fees from 75, - € to approx. 40, - € p.a. (Domain fee and energy consumption).
It would furthermore give me full control over WordPress at no extra subscription fees. In doing so careful consideration needs to be given to Security (SSL) and Recovery (backup).
I planned to publish the recipe how I achieved it on the blog here, however, the documentation got so large (10 pages), that I decided to do in Word and offer a download as PDF.