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Backup Fritz!Box settings to GDrive

Aktualisiert: 25. Dez. 2024

Combine the best of two worlds

If you run a smart home (e.g. home assistant on a raspberry) you may have 30+ devices individually configured in your Internet router.

Once this router happens to "die" you are in trouble, if you don't have a decent recent backup of its settings. When this happened to me once, I started "hunting" for a solution to automatically backup my routers settings overnight to the cloud.

Luckily, my Internet router is a Fritz!Box where I found a solution to the backup and another one for storing this backup on GDrive.

Big kudos to Johannes Hubig, who helped me lot with the Fritz!Box back-up itself and the author of where I found hints how access GDrive from a raspberry. I tried mounting it but downloading the Fritz!Box settings directly to a mounted GDrive crashed the Fritz!Box, when ran as cron job. Thats why the below copy script is needed.

Even though I did not understand much of the details here is how I put all the pieces together:

Prepare the Fritz!Box To download the Fritz!Box settings via script, the anyway annoying 2FA must be turned off beforehand. Here is >>> howto

Download, "install*" and configure the scripts ( and required to download the Fritz!Box settings and run them as cron job. See below.

Install and configure rclone to access GDrive for storing the backups

> sudo apt install rclone
> rclone config

Unlike many hints found on the web, that one should create a Google cloud project to get a client ID and secret, it worked straight, when you answer the config questions as follows:

  • Enter name: gdrive

  • Select type of storage # 18 (Google Drive)

  • Option client_id: Leave blank

  • Option client_secret: Leave blank

  • Option scope: Select 1

  • Option service_account_file: Leave blank

  • Edit advanced config: No (default)

  • Use auto config?: Yes (default) > Browser opens. Login to your Google Account

  • You are done

Install a script to sync the backup-directory to a corrosponding GDrive-directory (Source: Copilot) You may want to name the file



# Sync directories

rclone sync --verbose "/home/Username/FritzBackup" "$remote"

Install a script to delete backup-files older than 3 days to avoid data waste (Source: Chat GPT with some trial & error attempts)

You may want to name the file


# Directory from where old files shall be deleted# /home/user/FritzBackup

# Check if directory argument is provided

if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then   

echo "Usage: $0 <directory>"    exit 1



# Check if the given argument is a valid directory

if [ ! -d "$DIRECTORY" ]; then

echo "Error: $DIRECTORY is not a valid directory."    exit 1


# Find and delete files older than 3 days

echo "Deleting files in $DIRECTORY older than 3 days..."find "$DIRECTORY" -type f -mtime 3 -exec rm -fv {} \;

echo "Deletion completed."

Every AI you ask for this script will use "-mtime +3". It will however only function properly, when you omit the "+" sign. Also important to use "-f "after the rm command.

Run the scripts in cron tab

> crontab -e
# Create a Fritz!Box back-up every night at 02:05, later delete old backups and copy the latest to GDrive

05 2 * * * /home/user/ BACKUP passwordforbackup
10 2 * * * /home/user/ /path/to/folder
15 2 * * * /home/user/

Choose a "passwordforbackup" for the Fritz!Box settings file. You will need it in case of a recovery of your Fritz!Box.


*) "Install" means bring the files to your user folder and make them executable

> sudo chmod +x
> sudo chmod +x
> sudo chmod +x
> sudo chmod +x

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